In his first interview with an Indian news channel, CEO of Russia's sovereign wealth fund Kirill Dmitriev says Russia is in touch with Indian regulators and also manufacturers to produce the Sputnik V Covid-19 vaccine in India.
oscow is keen to manufacture Covid vaccine Sputnik V in India," says Kirill Dmitriev, the CEO of Russian Direct Investment Fund, which is funding the vaccine that may cure coronavirus.
India has shown interest in Russia’s Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine that has become the world’s first registered vaccine for Covid-19.
In his first interview with an Indian news channel, Dmitriev says Russia is in touch with Indian regulators and also manufacturers to produce the vaccine in India.
"We have great cooperation with India, Indian scientists and Indian manufacturers. They understand our technology," he told India Today TV.
Dmitriev further added that India has the manufacturing capability to mass produce the Covid vaccine and hence Russia is interested in bringing India on board as a production partner.
"We saw Prime Minister Narendra Modi comment that India is open to manufacturing the vaccine in their country...India has already invested in the vaccine sector heavily with top companies and manufacturing capabilities already exist in India, hence Moscow is keen to manufacture Sputnik V in India," Dmitriev said.
He also said Russia is open to holding phase III clinical trials of the Covid vaccine in India.
"Our target is to inoculate 40 million people. We are working with twenty countries including India,, Saudi Arabia and UAE. We want to make this vaccine affordable and accessible with production partners around the world," he the RDIF chief added.